Moving services between two Hostico customer accounts.

Tutorials Commercial | move | services | hosting | domain
In this tutorial, the necessary steps to move a service to another Hostico user will be presented.
by Mihai BobriucViews 1820Updated now 1 yearPublished 24/01/2022


  • In the following article, we will go through each step for the procedure of moving services from one Hostico customer account to another.
  • The tutorial is divided into two stages: The first segment for the one giving the service, respectively the last segment for the one receiving the service.


  • An active service;
  • Hostico account created by the new beneficiary;
  • Valid email addresses;

Owner steps

After logging into the customer account, we will choose the Services section. If you want to move a domain, go to Domains.
In the opened window, we will access the service we want to transfer.

The next step sends us to the Actions section, from where we will select Transfer the service:

In order to be able to initiate the transfer of the service to another user, it will be necessary for the new beneficiary to provide you with the customer code. This code can be queried on the main page of the Hostico customer account immediately after completing the login.

The customer code is located under the heading User -> Customer profile.

After filling in the space with the beneficiary's ID, press Transfer. In this way the service transfer will be initiated.

the owner of the service will receive, on the email address in the customer account, an email in which he is requested to accept the transfer, by clicking on Accept Transfer, the action will be confirmed.

Recipient steps

The recipient will receive an email on the email address of the Hostico customer account asking him to accept the transfer.
By clicking on --Accept Transfer-- the operation will be completed.

At this point the process of moving services has been completed and the Hostico commercial team will take over the request.
If the service is a hosting package then it will be found in the Services section, and in the Domains section the domain will be found.

An email confirming the successful completion of the procedure will also be sent to the email address of the account.


  • Moving services is not an automated process. After the procedure is completed, an operator will take the submitted request and manually move the services from one customer account to another.
  • Moving a service cannot be done if there is a proforma invoice generated in the customer account or if the service to be moved does not have an Active status. If it is desired to move such a service, please contact the commercial department.
  • In most cases, when a domain is moved, the holder data is transferred automatically; however, with the move of the .ro domain, the owner data during a WHOIS check on Rotld does not change automatically, the procedure can be done for a fee. More details on this aspect can be found in the holder modification article.
  • Following the move of the service, all rights of use will be transferred to the new owner, including the assumption of payment of future invoices.The transfer can be carried out within 7 days from the initiation of the request, after which the transfer will expire and need to be restarted.
    To avoid situations where the service move notification system is used for spam purposes, transfer links can be generated a maximum of 4 times.

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